Texas Refund Requirements

§807.263. Refund Requirements for Residence Schools.

  1. Students are entitled to a full refund for classes attended if the school does not provide a class with:
    1. an appropriately qualified instructor
  2. If a class has no instructor for more than one class period, students are entitled to a full refund for each such class attended.
  3. The length of a program, for purposes of calculating refunds owed, is the shortest scheduled time period in which the program may be completed by continuous attendance of a full-time student.
  4. A non-Title IV school, or a Title IV school voluntarily taking attendance, shall calculate refunds for students based upon scheduled hours of classes through the last date of attendance. A Title IV school shall calculate refunds for students based upon scheduled hours of classes through the last documented day of an academically related activity. Neither type of school shall count leaves of absence, suspensions, school holidays, days when classes are not offered, and summer vacations for purposes of calculating a student's refund.
  5. For all schools other than distance education, combination distance education-residence, and seminars, a student may cancel enrollment, request a full refund, and request a release from any obligations to the school within three days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays following:
    1. the first day of the student's scheduled classes if the student is not provided an opportunity to tour the school facilities, which includes inspection of equipment, before signing an enrollment contract; or
    2. the day the tour of the school facilities, including inspection of the equipment, is completed, when provided before the first day of the student's scheduled classes.