
  • On-time Completion Rate (as defined in 34 CFR 668.6 (c)). This number is based on the students who graduated during the award year, and did so within “normal time.” Normal time is based on the published length of the program in the catalog. This rate is not reflective of the overall completion rate of the program. Normal time may be affected by scheduling changes, failed courses or extended clinical rotations.
  • Retention Rate is calculated from the difference of the total enrollment during the reporting period and the total enrollments that withdrew from the institution during the reporting year, divided by the total enrollment during the reporting period.
  • Placement Rate is based on the calculation required by WCU’s accrediting body, ACICS. ACICS defines placement rates as the number of graduates who complete the program within 150% of scheduled time, during the reporting period, who were available for employment, and found a job in their field of training. ACICS requires reporting on a per campus basis.
  • Pass Rate is the percentage of pre-licensure graduates who have passed the required licensure examination(s) as program objectives in their academic training.

    *Nursing (BSN and LVN to BSN) | Pass Rates were obtained from the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), based on all WCU graduates who took the NCLEX for the first time between July 1st and June 30th during the reporting period, regardless of when they graduated. The BRN Pass Rates for BSN students includes the LVN to BSN students.

    **Dental Hygiene (BSDH) | Pass Rates reflect passage of both the NBDHE and State Clinical Board/WREB examinations based on the number of WCU graduates who took both exams in the last year, divided by the number who passed the national and state clinical exams. Repeaters are also included in these rates.

  • Program Cost is the tuition and fees charged for the program. Also included are estimated costs for books, uniforms, equipment, and estimated book shipping costs. This is the estimated cost to complete the program.
  • Median Loan Debt is the median debt incurred through Title IV HEA loans and other private financing sources by students who complete the program.