Pharmacy Scholarships

The priority deadline for receipt of all Pharmacy scholarship application materials is March 31st.  All offers must be accepted within 10 business days of receipt of the scholarship offer.  Funds remaining from unaccepted offers may be offered to additional applicants on a monthly basis.  


Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship (up to five recipients per year)

  • $15,000 per academic year - up to $67,500 for the full 8 semester program

  • 3.50 and above cumulative GPA

  •  Must have a Bachelor's degree

  • Renewable for 4 1/2 years - must maintain GPA of 3.25 or higher throughout the program

  • Student must have accepted admission offer at the time of the offer


Scholarships for Current Students

Service Excellence Scholarship

  • Up to 10 recipients may be granted per year
  • Criteria:
    • Active participation in at least one professional organization
    • A proven record of leadership in community outreach and/or service agreement
    • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
  • Scholarship Amount:  $1,000 scholarship toward following year's tuition
Leadership Engaging and Advancing Pharmacy (LEAP) Scholarship
  • Up to 4 recipients may be granted per year
  • Criteria:  
    • Leadership role in activities of a professional organization and/or student government
    • Leadership role in a project that promotes pharmacy profession/practice
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • Scholarship Amount:  $2,500 scholarship toward following year's tuition.

Students interested in receiving the President's and/or Dean's Scholarships, described above, must notify the program Dean of their interest as a part of the program application process.  


Scholarships will be applied toward required tuition and fees.  Students who withdraw prior to program completion will forfeit future disbursements.  


Scholarship for Fourth Year Students:  The following scholarships may be offered over and above any other scholarship for which a student may qualify.  


Academic Honors Scholarship

  • Criteria:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Third year PCOA ranking of 75th percentile or higher
  • Scholarship Amount:  $5,000 scholarship toward fourth year tuition
Academic Merit Scholarship
  • Criteria:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Third year PCOA ranking between 50th and 75th percentile
  • Scholarship Amount:  $2,500 scholarship toward fourth year tuition.  

Each of the above scholarship offers for new and current students is exclusive of the other offers and each recipient will be selected at the discretion of the Program using a scholarship rubric.  A student will receive the amount for the highest level for which the student was eligible and selected.  For example, if the student is selected for both a Presidential Academic Excellence Scholarship and a Dean Scholarship, then that student will receive only the Presidential Scholarship.  Only one scholarship will be offered per student.