University Admissions Requirements

Temporary Policies

During a national, regional, or local emergency, programs may change the modality of their courses in alignment with external approvals to continue educating students, as permitted or required by local, state, or federal rules, orders, or regulations. Course modalities may return to their original mode as circumstances vary depending on the situation or as required by local, state, or federal rules, orders, or regulations.  

English Language Verification

Instruction at the University is delivered in English. Students must be able to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate in English. The University does not offer English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. Applicants must possess proficiency in English at a level enabling them to succeed in their prospective program of study.

Applicants for whom English is not their primary language must submit documentation for verification. A passing score on the admissions test is evidence that an applicant meets effective English language requirements at West Coast University.

West Coast University readily accepts test scores from the English Language assessment exams listed:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - minimum composite score of 90 with sub-scores of 21 or higher. For MPA applicants, a minimum composite score of 100 with sub-scores of 25 or higher is required.
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - minimum overall band score of 6.5, with no less than 6.5 on each band score.
  • Duolingo English Test (DET) - minimum score of 125.

Test scores are valid for two years from the exam date. Test score results must be sent directly from TOEFL, IELTS, or DET to the West Coast University admissions department. Unofficial copies are not acceptable. Additional exams or alternative measures of English proficiency may be considered for admission at the discretion of Academic Leadership.

Undergraduate and Graduate University Admissions Requirements

A prospective student will qualify for admissions if the following requirements are met:

  1. Proof of High school graduation  or equivalent:
    1. A transcript of a high school diploma or its equivalent.         
  2. Meet all programmatic admissions criteria.
  3. Participate in an interview with a University Admissions Advisor.
  4. Submit a completed application for admission.
  5. Complete and execute an enrollment agreement. If the applicant is under the age of 18, enrollment documents must be signed by a parent or guardian.

Please Note:

  • All foreign high school diplomas and post-secondary degrees must be submitted for an official United States equivalency evaluation. This assessment must be completed by a NACES, AACRAO, or AICE-approved organization.
  • Instruction at the University is delivered in English. Students must be able to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate in English. The University does not offer English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction.
  • Programs which are primarily online are not open to enrollment by foreign applicants under a student visa.
  • All post-licensure students must complete their clinical hours in the state where they resided when signing the enrollment agreement or as approved by WCU.  If a student moves out of the approved state, they may no longer be eligible to complete hours and may not be able to graduate from their program of study.  
  • Students who are graduating from West Coast University programs and are undergoing the graduation audit and degree conferral process will be allowed to enroll in another program in probationary status while they wait for final confirmation of their degree conferral. Students will be converted to a full admit status once they provide proof of degree conferral and will be subject to the standard Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement for the duration of their new program. Students who fail to provide a copy of their official transcript to show degree conferral by the Add Drop period will be canceled from their probationary status and rescheduled into their final course(s) from the previous program. Final determination of admittance and completion of prior degree requirements should take place before the add-drop period in the new program. Note, students will not have any financial aid disbursed on their account until their prior degree is confirmed.

Admission to Programs with Prerequisite Requirements

West Coast University offers several programs that require prospective students to complete prerequisites prior to admission. Prospective students who meet all other requirements for admission, but who lack prerequisite coursework required for admission, may be admitted in order to complete that coursework. Individuals accepted under this clause should refer to the Financial Policies and Information Section of the Catalog for additional information about assistance options

Official Transcripts Policy

West Coast University requires that official transcripts meet the following criteria:

  • The transcripts have been received from the originating institution and show no signs of tampering.  AACRAO recommends the following checks for authenticity:
    • Envelope seal is intact in an official envelope or e-transcript was downloaded from a secured method
    • Transcript came directly from vendor or institution as evidenced by the institution logo and/or address
    • Postmark is appropriate to the institution or vendor
    • Postal cancellation mark is on the envelope
    • Security paper or special watermark is used
    • Transcripts have a recent date of issue (approximately six months)
    • Institutional certification is present
  • The transcript was opened and clearly marked as official by a staff member by the Registrar’s Office.
    • In the event that the Registrar’s Office is unavailable, transcripts may also be opened and marked official by the Program Dean, the Executive Director and/or their assignee.
  • Transcripts marked as ‘Issued to Student’ may only be opened and deemed official by the Registrar’s Office.Transcripts issued to students should still meet the criteria listed above (sealed envelope with identifying information, security paper, etc.)

The final decision of transcript authenticity will reside with Registrar’s Office.

Non-Degree Admissions

"Non-degree" status enables qualified students who are not seeking a degree from West Coast University, to enroll in any course without seeking formal admission.  This option is not available for those seeking to attend Dental Hygiene Courses.  

In order to be enrolled, the student must meet the following conditions:  

  1. Complete and submit the "non-degree student" application and sign enrollment documents. 
  2. Submit proof of a high school diploma or a GED.
  3. Meet the pre-requisite and/or program requirements to register for the course.  Students may only register in core courses with written permission from the program's Dean/Chair.  
Continuous enrollment in this status is contingent on meeting the following conditions:

  1. Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA in undergraduate courses and/or 3.0 GPA in graduate courses.
  2. No more than 20 credits earned in this status. 
  3. Abide by all institutional policies as outlined in the catalog or student handbook.  
In addition, applicants who have been dismissed or previously withdrawn from the university must obtain approval from the campus Academic Dean in order to apply for this status.  

Students in Default

The University may refuse admission to any applicant who is in default on a federal student loan or who owes a repayment of a federal grant.  

Admission to Programs with Prerequisite Requirements

West Coast University offers several programs that require prospective students to have completed prerequisite requirements prior to admission.  Prospective students who meet all other requirements for admission, but who lack prerequisite coursework required for admission may be admitted and enrolled in the program, however must complete prerequisite coursework prior to entering any core courses for their program. 

The following criteria will be used to determine if a prospective student, who has not completed all prerequisite course requirements is eligible for admission.

  1. Should the admissions criteria include a requirement to have earned a specified degree, the prospective student must have completed all coursework required to earn the degree and be scheduled for graduation in the required program as documented by an official transcript.
  2. Preparatory coursework may not be taken to improve a student’s cumulative grade point average in order to meet the admissions requirements of a program.
  3. Prospective students may choose to take preparatory courses at West Coast University or at another accredited institution, however, only those who take the courses at West Coast University are eligible for admission.
  4. Prior to registering for preparatory coursework, the student must have provided documentation to the Admissions department demonstrating that the student has met all other requirements for admission. 
    1. The student may not be admitted to or enrolled in any courses in the program for which the preparatory course is prerequisite until the preparatory coursework is successfully completed.
    2. All preparatory courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C+.
    3. All preparatory coursework must be completed within a calendar year.  

Individuals accepted under this clause should refer to the Financial Policies and Information Section of the Catalog for additional information about assistance options.  

A student who does not meet a program's published admission criteria, but possesses a high school diploma or equivalent, may be eligible to be admitted under the probationary admissions pathway. Please see the Program Dean for details.