Nursing (MSN), Master of Science Degree - Nurse Educator Track

Program Location Distance Education/Online
Program Semester Credits 30 - Effective Spring II 2023
(For Spring I 2023 Enrollment use Winter 2022 Catalog for Program Information)
Program Length* 2 Trimesters - 32 Instructional Weeks
3 Trimesters - 48 Instructional Weeks
6 Trimesters - 96 Instructional Weeks
Time to Complete 8 Months, 12 months or 24 Months

* Program Length may vary.  WCU distance education programs may not be available to residents in all states.

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code: 29-1141.00, 25-1072.00, 11-9111.00

The Nurse Educator track focuses on the development of the nursing professional who can integrate enhanced leadership skills with nursing education in the academic or service setting, to formulate a professional commitment to learning and to contribute to quality improvement.  Faculty shortages at nursing schools across the country are limiting student capacity at a time when the need for nurses continues to grow. Budget constraints, an aging faculty, and increasing job competition from the service setting have contributed to this emerging crisis.

Completion of this program would support eligibility requirements necessary to apply for certification with the National League for Nursing (NLN) as a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE).

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Integrate advanced nursing knowledge with the role of the nurse educator to facilitate learning in a variety of diverse healthcare and educational environments.
  2. Assimilate evidence-based knowledge to design innovative curriculum, teaching-learning strategies, assessment, and evaluation.
  3. Create collaborative interprofessional partnerships to impact health outcomes for specific populations.
  4. Demonstrate innovative teaching strategies through the delivery of learner-centered education.
  5. Incorporate culturally responsive teaching practices embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  6. Synthesize advanced nursing knowledge to develop outcomes driven health education curriculum.

MSN Nurse Educator Track Curriculum

MSNC 500Nursing Roles in Policy, Ethics, & Finance


MSNC 505Scholarship for Advanced Nursing Practice


MSNC 510Advanced Nursing Technologies & Collaborative Care


MSNC 515Health Promotion and Disease Management


MSNE 540Advanced Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment, & Pharmacology for Nurse Educators


MSNE 600Nurse Educator Roles: Scholarship, Service, and Leadership


MSNE 605Curriculum Design I


MSNE 610Accreditation & Regulatory Requirements


MSNE 615Curriculum Design II


MSNE 620Program Assessment & Evaluation


MSNE 625Innovative Teaching Strategies & Learning Styles


MSNE 635CNursing Education Practice Integration Experience


Total Credit Hours:30.0

MSN Nurse Educator Track Program Costs

For program costs, please see the Distance Education Tuition and Fees section.