Request for Reconsideration

If the appellant believes the appeals committee decision or action is contrary to University policy or procedures, they may submit a request for reconsideration as long as the request meets the criteria listed below. Requests for reconsideration must be submitted within 10 (ten) days of notification of the Appeals Committee decision.

Requests for Reconsideration must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. University policies were applied incorrectly.
  2. University procedures were not followed.
  3. The Campus Appeals Committee decision is contrary to state or federal law, and/or regulations and/or guidelines.

Appellants must submit a written request for reconsideration to the Secretary for review by the University Appeals Committee at  Email requests must include all information and documentation submitted to the University Appeals Committee. Only information submitted to the University Appeals Committee will be considered. A letter citing the reason for the request for reconsideration must be included stating the criteria on which the reconsideration is based, and which aspect of the committee’s decision meets the criteria.

The University Appeals Committee Secretary will review the request to ensure the criteria for reconsideration are met. If the request is incomplete or does not meet the criteria, the Secretary notify the student. Submission of the completed appeal form is to be delivered to the Secretary at least three business days prior to the next meeting date. Meetings are held biweekly and the next meeting date to be communicated to the student by the Secretary.

The appellant should present their appeal in person or over zoom to the University Appeals Committee for consideration. They should be prepared to outline the background and context consisting of the grounds for appeal with rationale and evidence as needed to explain the circumstances surrounding the appeal. The written appeal, along with all appellate documents, should include:

  1. Details and description of the decision or situation being appealed.
  2. Reason or basis for appeal.  
  3. Documentation that supports the appeal and appeal reason (for example, documentation related to the catastrophic situation or mitigating event).
  4. Requested remedy being sought.
  5. Viable student success action plan showing how student will support educational or behavioral situation if appeal is granted.
  6. The policy/ procedures and/or federal law/ regulations that was allegedly violated.

Once all appeals have been heard, the University Appeals Committee will privately review the cases and will vote during the meeting on all submitted appeals. The verdict on each resolution will be communicated by the Secretary at the conclusion of the meeting to the appellant.

All referenced deadlines and timeframes may be adjusted if both the University and the Appellant are in agreement. Any adjustments must be in writing and signed by both parties.