Leave of Absence Policy

Students may be granted an institutional leave of absence (LOA) within the following timeframe limitations:

  • School of Pharmacy: Two (2) Semesters
  • Occupational and Physical Therapy: Two (2) Trimesters
  • Physician Assistant:  Two (2) Trimesters
  • Speech Language Pathology:  Two (2) Trimesters
  • Pre-Licensure Dental Hygiene and Nursing: Four (4) Terms
  • Fully Online Programs: Four (4) Terms

To request a LOA, a "Leave of Absence Request Form" must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Student Services Department.  The request must outline the extenuating circumstances, supporting documentation, and duration of the leave being requested. Leaves of absences are only made effective on the first day of a term; none will be granted during the term.  For an LOA to be finalized, all required parties must approve the request.

Students should continue to attend their courses to avoid exceeding the allotted absence time permitted in any course while awaiting approval. Students seeking to withdraw from courses during any current term will be subject to the University course withdraw policies and grading requirements.  If a student does not return from a LOA within the specified timeframe and no prior arrangements have been made to extend the leave, then the student will be withdrawn from the University.  The withdrawal date for an approved LOA is the date that the student failed to return from leave as determined by the institution's records.  Examples of acceptable reasons, with official supporting documentation, for an LOA are as follows (this list is not intended to be exhaustive):

  • Military Duty
  • Medically recommended with professional note (e.g., serious illness, surgery, etc.)
  • Serious illness and care requirements for an immediate family with supporting documentation
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Maternity and paternity leave
  • The inability to attend a clinical assignment for an upcoming term due to either clinical non-compliance or lack of clinical opportunities in the program
  • A natural disaster preventing a student from attending school

An institutional LOA is not considered an official leave of absence under federal Title IV regulations.  When a student takes an institutional LOA, they are deemed to have withdrawn from the University as of the last day of documented attendance prior to the LOA and become ineligible for financial aid under Title IV.  As a result, a return to Title IV funds calculation will be completed and the student will be reported to the Department of Education as having been withdrawn.  Any balance due to the University must be paid in full prior to the student returning from a LOA. The time on a LOA will be counted against any six (6) month grace period for entering repayment on federal financial aid loans.  Students are encouraged to speak with a Financial Aid Officer prior to planning or beginning a LOA.  Students should refer to the "Withdrawal and Refund Policy" and the "Return of Title IV Funds Policy" in the University catalog for a full explanation of the possible financial consequences of a withdrawal or Leave of Absence.  

Please note if multiple LOAs are taken by a student, then the total time of the LOA cannot exceed the total number of terms, trimester, or semesters noted by program at the beginning of the policy. Taking a leave of absence may affect a student's ability to progress in their program.  Reentering after a leave of absence is based on availability of space and will follow the University Reentry Policy.  

In conjunction with the student advisor and the appropriate department students out for six (6) months or more may be required to complete a remediation plan approved by the department at least five (5) weeks prior to their scheduled return. Please contact your program dean for more information.

Readmission for Military Servicemembers

A service member that provides their intent to return will be permitted to reenroll in the same academic program, unless the student requests a later date of reenrollment. A returning student will be readmitted into the same academic program the student was enrolled in prior to the military service obligation. If the exact program no longer exists, the student must be admitted to the program that is most similar, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program. Returning students will be reenrolled with the same enrollment status, number of completed credit hours, and academic standing as their last date of attendance.

If the University determines that a returning student is not prepared to reenroll in the same academic program with the same academic status or is unable to complete the program, the school will make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume or complete the program at no additional cost to the student. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the institution, the institution is not required to readmit the student.

In accordance with federal regulations, returning students who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, servicemembers who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy.