Attendance Policy

West Coast University emphasizes the need for all students to attend classes on a regular and consistent basis. In addition to research which demonstrates that regular class attendance enhances student success, consistent attendance and punctuality helps students develop good habits and behaviors necessary to compete in a highly challenging job market.

Students must be in attendance in class by the seventh day of the term. In addition, if at any time after the first week of class a student is absent from the University for more than 14 consecutive school days, excluding holidays and scheduled breaks of five calendar days or more, and no contact has been made during that period, the student will be withdrawn from the University.

In addition, to maintain satisfactory attendance in all courses except NURS clinical courses, students may not be absent for more than 20% of a theory/lab course. These percentages are calculated on the basis of the clock hours identified previously in the catalog. For example, 20% of a three credit lecture course is 9 hours. Absences in excess of 20% of any theory/lab course will result in a grade of “F” and the student will be required to repeat the course. Nursing students may not be absent for more than 20% of a course.

For online or blended courses, attendance for the online portion is based on turning in assignments (in the online dropbox), assessments or exams, or weekly assigned discussion threads. If these components are submitted at times other than when assigned, attendance will be recorded as “Absent”. Students must submit at least one gradable activity per class every ‘class week.’ A ‘class-week’ for full online courses starts on a Monday of any given week and ends on the following Sunday at 11:59 PM PST.

A gradable activity includes, but is not limited to, the posting of a threaded discussion question, electronic submission of any course assignment to the ‘drop box’, electronic submission of a test / exam (if applicable), or any other course related activity that is graded.

Students who are required to participate in military duties and are therefore required to be absent from their scheduled classes will not be penalized. The student must provide the appropriate academic administrator with written documentation verifying the required military leave and length of time requested; however, depending on the length of required military leave, a student may need to request a leave of absence.