University Dismissal

A grade of Incomplete (“I”) may only be issued when a student has attended at least two-thirds a course and is unable to complete the requirements due to extenuating circumstances.  An Incomplete grade cannot be assigned as a final grade, and therefore, has no effect on the student’s cumulative grade point average.  However, at the end of a term and in the case of an emergency, a faculty member may grant an extension for the student to complete any unfinished gradable work.  

An extenuating circumstance is defined as:  “unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control which prevents the student from performing up to the level he or she had previously within the class.  In general, extenuating circumstances will be of a medical or personal nature affecting the student for any significant period of time.”

An Incomplete grade must be resolved by the faculty member by the second Monday of the subsequent term of instruction.  At that point, the faculty member must change the grade from "I" to the earned grade, or the grade will automatically be changed to an “F”.  The extension cannot be used to make up accrued absences from class. 

If the course for which an Incomplete grade is received is a prerequisite to another course, the student cannot begin the subsequent course until the Incomplete grade has been resolved and replaced with an acceptable letter grade.

Students must submit a petition to their faculty member, using the Request for Incomplete Grade form, by no later than the end of the 9th week of instruction in a 10 week term.